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Gastric Balloon

Op. Dr. Batuhan Demir

Gastric Balloon

Hello dear clients! Today, we will discuss an effective method that may attract the attention of those who are on a healthy life journey: Gastric Balloon. We will examine this method, especially for those who are considering taking a lighter step in losing weight, especially in the fight against obesity.

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Gastric Balloon: Lightened Journey, Opening the Doors to a Healthy Life

Obesity is a serious health problem experienced by many people today. For those who are looking for weight loss methods in this difficult struggle, the gastric balloon is an effective option that offers a non-surgical solution. Here’s what you need to know about the gastric balloon method:

What is a Gastric Balloon?

Gastric balloon is a procedure in which an inflatable balloon placed in the stomach is used to help with weight control. This balloon reduces the volume of the stomach, allowing the person to eat less and therefore lose weight. This procedure is an endoscopic procedure that does not require surgical intervention.

How to Apply?

During gastric balloon application, an inflatable balloon is used that is inserted into the stomach through the mouth through an endoscope. The balloon expands by filling with water or saline solution inside the stomach. This increases the stomach’s feeling of fullness, which causes the person to eat less.

Who is it suitable for?

Gastric balloon is generally suitable for individuals who want to deal with obesity but do not prefer surgical procedures. It can be especially recommended for people whose weight loss efforts are not successful with diet and exercise.

Advantages and Things to Consider

Advantages of the gastric balloon method include no surgery, a short recovery period, and generally a rapid start in weight loss. However, as with any medical procedure, gastric balloon surgery may have risks and side effects. Therefore, it is important for those considering this method to first consult with an expert healthcare professional.

In Conclusion

Gastric balloon offers an option that opens the doors to a healthy life for individuals struggling with obesity. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is important for those considering gastric balloon surgery to conduct a detailed evaluation with an expert medical team and create a personalized plan. This easy step towards a healthy and balanced life can be an important first step towards long-term success.

Frequently asked Questions

Because each individual is different, it is important that you consider these questions and answers with a qualified healthcare professional for your individual situation.

A gastric balloon is an inflatable balloon that is placed inside the stomach through an endoscopic procedure. The volume of the balloon is increased by filling it with water or saline solution inside the stomach. This increases the feeling of fullness in the stomach, allowing the person to eat less.

No, gastric balloon surgery does not require any surgical intervention. It is performed as an endoscopic procedure, meaning that it is performed through an endoscope, a special instrument that is inserted into the stomach.

Gastric balloon is generally suitable for individuals who do not prefer surgical procedures and want to cope with obesity but have difficulty losing weight.

Gastric balloon surgery is generally a painless procedure. However, each individual's pain threshold is different, so you should consult your doctor if there is any discomfort.

Gastric balloon application usually takes between 20 and 30 minutes. However, this period may vary depending on the individual situation.

Weight loss achieved with a gastric balloon varies from individual to individual. However, a rapid weight loss can usually be seen in the first months.

A gastric balloon is usually a temporary solution. The balloon usually remains in the stomach for 6 months to 1 year, and is removed at the end of this period.

Temporary side effects such as nausea, vomiting and indigestion may occur after gastric balloon application. However, serious complications are rare.

Gastric balloon is not recommended for women during pregnancy, those with stomach or intestinal problems, those with severe gastric reflux, and those who have had previous stomach surgery.

A low-calorie, high-protein diet is generally recommended after gastric balloon application. However, it is important to comply with your doctor's recommendations on this matter.

Note: This sample article is for general informational purposes only. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making a decision about an actual medical condition.
Op. Dr. Batuhan Demir

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