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Sleeve Gastrectomy

Op. Dr. Batuhan Demir

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Hello dear clients! Today, we aim to guide those who will make this important decision by giving you detailed information about sleeve gastrectomy surgery. If you are considering sleeve gastrectomy surgery, we offer a guide where you can find answers to your questions.

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery: A New Beginning

Obesity is a health problem that many people face today. Although many people try weight loss diets, exercise programs and lifestyle changes to cope with this condition, sometimes these methods may not be enough. Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgical procedure that offers an effective solution for those struggling with obesity.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgical procedure performed to treat obesity and achieve weight loss. During this surgery, the stomach is reshaped into a smaller tube. In this way, the person can eat less and accelerate weight loss.

Pre-Surgery Preparation Process

Before surgery, patients must adhere to a diet and lifestyle changes determined by their doctor after a series of evaluations. Additionally, it is important for patients to prepare for their weight loss process before surgery.

Surgery Process and After

During surgery, the surgeon shrinks the stomach, creating a smaller tube. This helps a person eat less and therefore lose weight. After surgery, patients may need to eat liquid and pureed foods for a while. Then, a diet program determined by the doctor is started.

Advantages and Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The advantages of sleeve gastrectomy surgery include rapid weight loss, reduction of obesity-related health problems and increase in quality of life. However, as with every surgical procedure, gastric sleeve surgery also involves risks. One should be aware of risks such as infection, bleeding, and vitamin deficiencies.

Lifestyle Changes and Follow-Up Process

After surgery, it is important for patients to transition to a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity, balanced nutrition and compliance with the follow-up program recommended by the doctor can increase success.

In conclusion

Gastric sleeve surgery can be an effective method to combat obesity, but each individual’s situation is different. Therefore, it is important to make a detailed evaluation before surgery and act in accordance with your doctor’s recommendations. This surgical intervention can be a step that can have a positive impact not only on weight loss but also on the general health of the individual.

Frequently asked Questions

Because each individual is different, it is important that you consider these questions and answers with a qualified healthcare professional for your individual situation.

It usually takes between 1 and 2 hours.

Pain after surgery is normal, but can usually be controlled with medications.

Everyone is different, but rapid weight loss is usually seen in the first months.

Yes, gastric sleeve surgery is a permanent procedure.

Before surgery, you may need to follow the diet and lifestyle changes determined by your doctor. Additionally, preoperative evaluations and tests can be performed a certain period of time in advance.

As with every surgical procedure, sleeve gastrectomy surgery also has risks. Risks such as infection, bleeding, and anesthesia reactions are tried to be minimized by the surgical team.

After the surgery, it is important to eat small portions frequently, eat a protein-rich diet, and comply with the diet rules recommended by the doctor.

Regular follow-up after surgery is important to monitor weight loss and early detection of any complications. Following the follow-up program recommended by your doctor can increase success.

Note: This sample article is for general informational purposes only. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making a decision about an actual medical condition.
Op. Dr. Batuhan Demir

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